Saturday, December 23, 2006

The cure for what ails you

The little north west washington town in which I live has had a rough few weeks. The wind, she did blow and blow and blow things down. The night before we left for our jaunt to portland two feet of snow laided itself upon the ground. Thankfully the trains were still running. Upon our return the wind picked up the pace and blew our fences and power away. 5am on thursday morning I awoke to my alarm, yes I know it's an ungodly hour to awake. But this time there was an apocolyptic feel to is as the moment my alarm started to cry there was a flash of light and a loud rumbling. Thinking my alarm had actual exploded I jumped from my bed and only to be confronted with lighting striking what I would swear to be my neighbours yard. It was only a few moments untill the pebble sized hail began to fall.

Thankfully the power had only dipped and was not knocked out completely like that of many of my fellow citizens had. Not being able to face the end of the world without a cup of coffee I proceeded to fetch myself some. It had all become too much for me and in order to face the day with strength and flare I proceeded to one of the fine items I purchased while on vacation.

The brilliant red of Chanel's Passion provides that extra little magic a gal needs to face what ever man or nature might throw in here path.

I first discovered the mystical powers of Chanel reds when as a young woman I faced the demise of my first grown up relationship. Thinking the red would match my wounded heart I let myself be talked into what for a theatre student was a cosmetic that cost far too much. But when I saw the image in the mirror of the dark hair, green eyes and young fair skin with the bright red full lips, I felt better. My heart healed a little bit and I knew that there were many adventures awaiting me and my bright red lips. The samples the sales clerk, a very stylish eastern european woman tucked into the bag, like a drug peddler in a playgroud helped push me into what was to become a life long dependence on Chanel.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

I was away

But now I am back. Will post more later.